Case Studies - Acupuncture
Patient, female, 59 years old. When the patient walked in the treatment room, she had pain from neck to foot. She has limited range of motion on her neck, with pain scale of 7/10, pain on both sides of her shoulder, arm and forearm with pain scale of 5/10, low back pain 6/10, sciatic pain…
Read MorePatient, male, 33 years old. He had suffered dyspnea (shortness of breath) since May 2016 when he tried to lose his weight inappropriately. Since then, he often felt difficult to breathe. He saw his family doctor and got everything checked, including ECG, ultrasound, MRI scan, but his family doctor was unable to treat his shortness…
Read MorePatient, female, 50 years old. She had suffered from night sweeting for eight years. She also started suffering from hot flashes in the evening two weeks ago. Dennis applied his acupuncture techniques and combined with traditional Chinese herbal medicine to treat the patient. After four sessions of acupuncture treatment, the patient’s eight-year of night sweeting…
Read MorePatient, male, 64 years old. He had suffered numbness on his left face and left arm for 13 months, since his first dose of vaccine in June 2021. Dennis applied his acupuncture techniques to treat the patient. After the first session of treatment, the patient felt the numbness of his left face was 80% gone…
Read MorePatient, female, 33 years old. The patient was healthy and had 37 weeks and 4 days of pregnancy on her first visit on December 8th, 2021. Labour induction, also known as inducing labour, is the stimulation of uterine contractions during pregnancy before labor begins on its own to achieve a vaginal birth. The patient would…
Read MorePatient, female, 43 years old. She had been suffering from migraines for over 20 years. She took medications prescribed by her family doctor, but it did not stop her migraines. She also tried acupuncture by other acupuncturists, but there was no relief. This is the first time she received acupuncture treatment from Dennis, an acupuncturist…
Read MorePatient, female, 34 years old. She suffered from Bell’s Palsy, with facial paralysis at her left side. She was unable to close her eye completely and she had to tape her eyes in order to go to sleep. She was unable to close her mouth completely. The left side of her face was completely paralyzed.…
Read MorePatient, female, 40 years old. She had not have periods for two months. She saw her family doctor and gynecological specialist, but the specialist recommended her take birth control approach and she was disappointed. Instead, she wanted to try acupuncture. On December 2, she came to our clinic for the first session of acupuncture treatment.…
Read MorePatient, male, 55 years old. He was diagnosed with herniated disk in his lower back in February 2021. A herniated disk is a condition that can occur anywhere along the spine, but most often occurs in the lower back. It is sometimes called a bulging, protruding, or ruptured disk. It is one of the most…
Read MorePatient, female, 68 years old. When the patient got up in the morning, she felt dizziness and vertigo. She felt that everything and everything surroundings were spinning or moving. The acupuncturist Dennis provided the patient an acupuncture treatment. The patient felt the qi (energy) strongly circulated along her whole body and her dizziness and vertigo…
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