Case Studies - Acupuncture
Patient, female, 67 years old. She complained that she encountered pain, numbness and tingling on her left side of neck, upper back, shoulder, and arm for one week. The acupuncturist Dennis provided acupuncture treatment for the patient. Once the needles were inserted, the patient felt instant relief from her pain, numbness and tingling. This case…
Read MorePatient, female, 54 years old. Main complaints: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath for over one and a half year. She had constant cough for five minutes every time and three times every hour. She also had other symptoms, including seasonal allergy, wakeup three times with spitting up phlegm during her sleep, nasal congestion, and…
Read MorePatient, female, 23 years old. She had not have her regular menstrual periods for six month since her last period in November 2020. She was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by her family doctor and specialist. She demonstrated many symptoms, like milky nipple discharge, hair loss, headache, excess facial hair, pelvic pain, acne, stomach…
Read MorePatient, female, 52 years old. Chief complaints: she was experiencing a few symptoms from her menopausal syndrome. She felt very hot on her body when sleeping in the evening and had to use a fan to cool her body down even in the winter and the heat was on. Both of her lower legs were…
Read MorePatient, male, 52 years old. For the past five years, the patient suffered from sciatic pain on both sides whenever he sat down with the pain level of 4/10 and the pain level went up to 9/10 when he sat for 30 minutes or more. Basically, he was unable to sit and he had to…
Read MorePatient, female, 40 years old. Chief complaints: (1) Right shoulder pain, unable to move right arm with pain scale 7/10; (2) Lateral and back left thigh pain from hip to knee with pain scale 7/10; (3) Nasal congestion with congestion scale 8/10. The acupuncturist Dennis treated all of three symptoms at the same time. Once…
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